Do you know your diabetes targets..? - Sweet clinics (Diabetologist in Navi Mumbai)
Dealing with diabetes can get overwhelming at times. You have to keep your blood sugar within a certain range, maintain a particular weight, monitor blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels and a lot more. Yet most of us aren’t even aware of the targets that we must be at. We keep striving to reach a goal without even knowing what the accurate goal is. Knowing the range we must be at for all these is essential for effectively treating diabetes. Also, diabetics need to constantly monitor certain levels on a daily basis. Since the doctor is not available daily, it is imperative to know what targets we must be at for good health. Keep in mind that diabetes is a condition which requires a customised treatment per case. So even though you may be aware of a normal range of levels, the doctor may want you to maintain a more specific target. There are several factors that can influence blood sugar levels and thus need to be monitored regularly. Thus, knowing the specific targets that keep...