Does Type 1 Diabetes Increases Risk of Autoimmune Diseases?

There’s no doubt that the primary concern of people dealing with type 1 diabetes is “how to control the blood sugar levels”? Perhaps, the only way they can prevent the kidney, eye, and vascular problems is by maintaining their blood sugar level. However, the recent studies suggest type 1 diabetes patient is more prone to autoimmune diseases. The study further revealed that 1 out of every 5 children suffering from type 1 diabetes tends to develop another autoimmune ailment. Type 1 Diabetes has a major impact on aged people (65+ years). In fact, half of the aged individuals struggling with Type 1 Diabetes are likely to experience other autoimmune diseases. Now the question is “what autoimmune diseases are the Type 1 Diabetes patients are prone to?”
What Autoimmune Diseases are Common in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?
Some of the most common autoimmune diseases associated with Type 1 Diabetes are celiac disease, Addison’s disease, and hypothyroidism. As most of the Type 1 Diabetes patients are likely to develop celiac disease and hypothyroidism, doctors often suggest these patients a routine screening. It is essential to note that autoimmune diseases can either develop before or after the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes.
Specialists should check the diabetic patients for celiac disease and thyroid. There are no critical symptoms associated with celiac disease or thyroid, but the Type 1 Diabetes patients are advised to consult with their doctor if they witness unusual symptoms such as changes in glycemic control or weight, improper digestion, and other digestive problems. Our immune system is one of the most vital parts of a human body, as it keeps the body from hazardous organisms including bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. But what’s surprising is the immune system that is designed to preserve our body from the attack of foreign matter can sometimes turn awry and attack the vital organs of our body. When the immune system doesn’t work properly and negatively affect the other tissues and organs of a human body, the autoimmune diseases are likely to happen.

What Causes Autoimmune Diseases in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?
Though the exact reason behind this issue isn’t confirmed yet, research suggests that environmental and genetic factors are the leading causes behind autoimmune ailments. As per the clinical research, it is not diabetes that causes autoimmune problems in teens and kids.diabetes specialist clinic in Navi Mumbai There isn’t any proven cause of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients discovered but genetics are most likely the cause of these ailments.
Studies based on Type 1 Diabetes associated autoimmune diseases discovered that the genetic risk factors had a major influence on celiac disease, thyroid, and other autoimmune ailments. As DNA of an individual passes through several generations, the occurrence of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients isn’t uncommon. The main reason why it is hard to discover the exact cause behind autoimmune disorders is the complex structure of the human immune system. That’s why the treatment of thyroid, celiac disease, and other immune disorders is challenging. A proper diet, hormone replacement, and anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve the symptoms to some extent but they can’t cure the issue.


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